Private leadership coaching

Benefit from the deepest level of engagement


The work

As one client put it, “You make me comfortable being uncomfortable.” Many leaders get by with a habitual set of thought patterns and skills, operating within a comfort zone. Many coaching systems will build on those existing skills. But our clients want more—they know something bigger is possible.

Our work challenges an individual’s whole way of thinking—the intent is to work with your discomfort zone, so you can take on bigger challenges and lead a more satisfying life.

The program is 1:1, and involves guided introspection and education that’s geared to your definition of success. We share important coaching technology, and bring to life the essentials of leadership in a way that you can permanently know.

How you benefit

Ever experienced what it’s like to get a good night’s sleep after a long time of sleep deprivation? You can be more awake to your life, and able to make what you want in life, even under challenging conditions. Our clients report:

  • Generating decisions and outcomes they want, sooner.

  • Being more at ease in situations that were once more stressful, such as “conflicts” at work.

  • Improved wellbeing and better relationships across your whole life (we hear that clients’ partners become fans of the work!).

Getting started

After an introductory one hour call (sometimes two) we will schedule weekly 90 minute meetings with you, by phone. The work does not benefit from rushing it. Lasting results emerge over time and a progression of meetings that build on each other for at least six months.